Adult Learning

Do you want to sit or perhaps resit your Maths GCSE or International GCSE?

Did you leave school recently, but believe that you could have done better?

Do you need a better grade to get into the college/university of your choice?

Perhaps you are over 50 and looking for a fresh challenge – studying a subject such as Maths can be some serious braintraining!

If you can relate to this, Mike’s Maths are here to help with adult learning!

Mike’s Maths is an online Maths School. We offer everything from individually priced lessons, to a full 2 or 3 year course. Mike’s manner makes it easy for adult learning and younger students.

If you are interested in a course of lessons, we can’t recommend our Membership packages enough!

We offer individual lessons that are useful when you get stuck with a particular topic. Just search using key words from the topic that you are looking for, or dive into our Key Stage Libraries to see all the topics we cover.

Buy just 1 lesson at a time, or check out our discounted bundle of lessons on certain broader topics.

From January 2017 we will also be offering an expert exam coaching service. Watch our tutorials on exam technique, and see how to apply what you are learning to answer real exam questions.

We are happy to provide advice and guidance on where to sit examinations as an external candidate, the fees involved and what to expect.

Check out our free sample lessons today, and see how you can benefit from Mike’s Maths.